SPIE Ðóññêèé Óêðà¿íñüêà English
Department - History

In 1962 on presentation Ministry of defense industry of the USSR for the reason to organizate of preparing the engineering personnel in Ukraine for big enterprise of optical industry by Order Ministry of the education of the Ukraine ¹245 from June 23 1962 and order of the rector of the Kiev pollytechnic institute ¹19 from January 14 1963 optical instrument (OP) department was created in composition jf the instrumentmaking. Department began to prepare engineer-optics on professions 0530 "Optical instruments and spectrometry"

The founder of the department and the first head of the department PhD, assistant professor Stanevich Georgiy V. (1909 - 1971). The First teachers of the department were a PhD, assistant professors Korsakov Oleg N. and Putilina Nataliya N., as well as assistents Iliin Mihail S. and CHistyakov Vladimir V. Since 1971 on 1974 the assistant professors Korsakov Oleg N. and Kovali Sergey T. have leaded the department, and have vastly raised methodical and scientific level of the department.

In 1974 Doctor of Science, professor Maresh Rostislav M.(1919 - 1988), the well-earned figure of the science and technology of the Ukraine has leaded the department.Yt was the wellKnown specialist in the field of air force equipment. His research developments were broadly introduced in military, but also on object double-purpose, for that him was assigned honourable rank "Well-earned figure of the science and technology USSR".He has done the next step to correct the educational process.

In 1981 on "Plant Arsenal" was created the branch of the optical devices department. The leadinging specialists from optical industry were working on the branch. For instance, main constructor "Arsenal" plant. Since 1984 Doctor of Science, professor Andrey S. Ostrovskiypulpit began to manage the department. The Alumnus of the engineering cybernetics department of KPI, he tried to plagerize the positive experience to organizations and undertaking the scientific work, methodical process from this department to Optical devices department. A.S. Ostrovskiy has unfolded the greater work on determination of the professional relationships with foreign high educational institutions. Presently he leads the optometrists branch in Mexican technological university in Pueblo.

Since 1993 Doctor of Science, professor Kolobrodov V.G. manages the department.

In 1997 name from "Optical devices" on "Optical and optoelectronic devices (OOEP)" was changed.

The first engineer-optics was graduate from the department in 1965.

The Headsr of the State examination commissions in miscellaneous years were leading specialists in optical industry such as Doctor of Science Parnyakov Serafim P., PhD, assistant professor Saharovr Valentin N., Doctor of Science, professor Molebnyy Vasiliy V.,PhD, assistant professor Liholit Nikolay I.

For passed 40 years few generations of the teachers and employee of the department were changed. Today on the department works 12 employers, from which there are 4 professors, 8 assistant professors and one lecturer. On average the age of the teachers on the departments there is the most young in the Univercity.

For years of existence near 1500 skilled engineers-optics have prepared on the department, which works both in Ukraine, and foreign. The department is proud of their own graduate, among which are:

  • Tymchik G.S. - Doctor of Science, professor, dean of the instrumentmaking faculty NTUU "KPI";
  • Sokotnyuk R.F. - main engineer of the Kiev plant KINAP;
  • Batalov E.S. - chief of the department of Krasnogorsk opto-mechanical plant;
  • Mihalichuk V.A. - director of the optical enterprise OPTAR;
  • Nikulin YU.M. - a main engineer Zagorsk opto-mechanical plant;
  • Melnik I.S. - leading specialist of the optical company in Canada
and much others.

Employers of the department published 6 textbooks, 11 monographs, two from which is typed in Germany and China, 12 tutorials, near 120 tutorials.
Textbook Kolobrodov V.G. and SHuster N. "Thermovision systems" have got first bonus, as best textbook NTUU "KPI".

Since Ñ 1969, when began scientific activity of the department, its employers, graduate students, students and scientific workmans have executed more 250 research works, become author more 1200 scientific works and inventions.
Educational, methodical and scientific achievements of the department are recognized in many country of the world. Teachers of the pulpit were repeatedly invited for performing educational and scientific work in China, Germany, Greece, Canada, Mexica, Hungary, USA, Bulgaria and in other countries.